Distant Composition
Shiraz Abdullahi Gallab
Alexander Twaddle
Bansri Thakkar
Grace Spee
Jiapei Ke
Josh Cook
Layne Thue-Bludworth
Malcolm Thompson
Mari Miller
Mariah Nelesen
Mark-Anthony Marshall
Mengmeng Dong
Nahid Shirzadkhan
Nicole Bowles
Oluwaseyi Adeleke
Oscar Solis
Shinkyung Do
“The planned spectacle is fine, but I prefer the unofficial stuff that slops into the frame. That’s where the veneer rubs off and happenings can happen. I like the shadowy world of before, the impending excitement of things on the verge, and the discarded world of after, where the cue cards are stored, the carpets vacuumed, the power cords bunched into knots. The suggestion of human ceremony is worth more to me than the ritual itself. It is as if the event is simply a pause between the greater worlds of unpacking and repacking. Here people sweat, practice, concentrate, arrange, plan, argue. Here, outside of the spectacle, the edges melt together.”
— Martin Venezky, It Is Beautiful--Then Gone
In this seminar, Venezky’s Form Studio course has been adapted for online delivery, with a focus on how proximity and physicality are sustained or challenged in a virtual space. Throughout the semester, we examined process, interpreted form, and published our experiments as a collective unit. Using a shared spreadsheet, we stitched together our collaborative publication in a manner that mimicked our formal experiments — embracing the unknown and inviting imperfection. Click here to view our publication.

Alexander Twaddle

Bansri Thakkar

Grace Spee

Jiapei Ke

Josh Cook

Layne Thue-Bludworth

Malcolm Thompson

Mari Miller

Mariah Nelesen

Mark-Anthony Marshall

Mengmeng Dong

Nahid Shirzadkhan

Nicole Bowles

Oluwaseyi Adeleke

Oscar Solis

Shinkyung Do