Denisse Marin
Denisse Marin
Then the Music Ceased
Many people collect memorabilia for their favorite bands; albums, posters, concert tickets, and merchandise of all sorts. Live concerts and music festivals are the ultimate escape; strangers connect under the heady sounds of music. As a music fan, I assigned myself the role of musician, promoter, and designer, for an imaginary band and ‘live’ concert in a time of disease and isolation. I turned to Edgar Allen Poe for inspiration, borrowing words from his short story, “The Masque of the Red Death.” Being that live performances have been suspended for more than a year now, I created materials that evoke real enthusiasm for something that, at present, cannot be, but that be imagined. The typography, palette, and images satisfy the hunger for live events, momentarily at least, without being or going anywhere, or listening to anything but the sound of one’s own heartbeat.