Justin Miner
Justin Miner
When was the last time you looked at your screen and saw some news that made you uneasy? Right. The feeling of being overwhelmed with dreadful news is something we’re becoming all too familiar with, and the constant stream of bad news that we saw in 2020 only made things worse. We were numbed by it. While we may all agree that 2020 was, to put it lightly, an unpleasant year, it is imperative that we remember the many issues that arose and have carried over into 2021 (and likely beyond). The last thing this country needs is a deadened body politic. As a designer with the sensibility of a documentarian, I am interested in creating work that draws attention to issues of the day and keeps the conversation going, as it were. In terms of getting the word out, the poster remains one of the most consequential mediums.
Justin Miner