Luis Reyes
Luis Reyes
Post Mortem of the Beautiful Game
Football—known in the US as soccer—is a beautiful game. Its fan base is a unique breed of folk; energized, strident, fight-to-the-death loyal, hellbent on success and immortality. Unfortunately, a game once championed as a sport for the people has been plagued by the rotting flesh and disease-ridden corpse of racism, sexism, and corruption. Hooliganism would seem to be the least of its present-day problems. As a diehard football fan, ever inspired by the beauty and grace of the game and its global audience, these seemingly intransigent problems are degrading the sport, sucking the lifeblood out of it. Every work of design is a call to action. There is no better way to mobilize others and advocate for change, which is why I’ve made the current state of football the centerpiece of my work.