Nada Abourashed
Nada Abourashed
Signing On
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 benefited deaf and hard of hearing communities in several significant ways, ushering in the integration of closed-caption programming, the inclusion of sign language interpreters in schools, business forums and public events, and computer-aided transcription services. But the presence and availability of skilled interpreters remains scattershot. At a time of significant turmoil and opinionated vocalizations, marginalized communities, especially deaf and hard of hearing communities have gone unheard because so few people outside of these communities know American Sign Language (ASL). In an effort to generate awareness of deaf culture and heritage among the hearing, to celebrate the beauty and ingenuity of ASL as a language as well as a profession, and to advocate for deaf and hard of hearing communities, the Signing On public service campaign is designed to coincide with National Deaf Awareness Month, which occurs in the United States every September.