Sarah Nguyen

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Sarah Nguyen

Anxiety afflicts a vast number of people, especially young adults. Because of the stigma of anxiety, it often isn’t dealt with. Sufferers push and hide their feelings rather than sitting with them and trying to understand what’s going on. Untreated anxiety leads to unhealthy habits that are hard to break and these, in turn, prevent any attempts at self-healing from working. PIP (Personal Interactive Pal) is designed for young adults who struggle with anxiety, providing tools to help them cope in a mindful and immediate way. PIP checks in every so often, assists with logging periodic events, guides the user through calming exercises, and prompts the user to reach out to a friend or loved one during a panic attack. Data gathered in the logs enable the user to correlate habits or situations with bouts of anxiety. Armed with this information, efforts can be made to reform habits, avoid (if possible) certain situations, and, above all, to be mindful.

Sarah Nguyen



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